Month: April 2020

Shielded Filter Casks

NPO worked closely with AVANTech in designing a set of three shielded casks that reduced dose from 26,000-30,000 mRem/hr (260,000-300,000 μSv/hr) to less than 60 mRem/hr (600 μSv/hr) on contact. Two casks were utilized with one as a spare. Each shielded cask housed one of their Solids Collection Filter canisters for torus water/sludge filtration at […]

Boiler Plate Shields

Inside the steam generators of CANDU nuclear power plants, a divider plate separates the hot leg from the cold leg. Dozens of bolts hold this divider plate together, and these bolts trap hot particles that are a major source of radiation during inspections. NPO designed magnetic shielding designed to fit around each bolt. Since it […]

Dry Cask Shielding Package

In 2019, Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, purchased an array of shielding from NPO for their spent fuel storage campaign. This package included a transfer cask shield bell, canister shield ring, and annulus gap shielding. All of these items contributed to greatly reduced dose rates for both gamma and neutron radiation. Shield bells are a single-pick […]